What do you do on vacation? Learn to Needle Tat! I traveled with my husband to Denver earlier this year and while he attended his meeting I took a class on needle tatting at Fabric Bliss (more on this store in another blog post).
I was excited to learn this needle craft from Laura, my instructor, and was also fortunate enough to be her only pupil during this session! Not only did I learn the basic double stitch, how to make rings and chains, and how to read patterns, she also showed me how to do split rings and the Josephine knot.
Only requirements for this craft: thread, needle and pattern. Laura was a terrific instructor; a sample of her work, a necklace, is shown.
My first two pieces, two five petal flowers in yellow, turned out well for a first timer.
I have also made several other pieces; fortunately, only the good results are shown!
Like any craft, there is a learning curve to accomplish the even, beautiful results as shown in Laura’s necklace. I hope to make some samples to use on a few containers from our book!
Linda, very….very nice tatting. Keep practicing! I had a great time with you during class. I am so glad you are using tatting for your future projects. I would love to see pics. Thank you so much for sharing about your tatting experience in your blog. I hope you come to visit us in Denver again.