We all have UFOs.
These are those sneaky, Unfinished Fabric Objects and Works in Progress (WiPs) that you started with the good intentions of finishing, but for one reason or another didn’t.
Maybe you got bored with a project, or you ran into challenging part that you didn’t know how to do. Or maybe life just got in the way. 🤪
Most quilters have at least a few UFOs hiding in their sewing rooms, and I’d bet my favorite pair of fabric scissors that you have more unfinished projects than you realize. But how can you get these old projects finished up when there are so many new ones that catch your eye?
Join in our FREE, five-day UFO challenge to make a courageous start on finishing up your quilting projects. You won’t have them finished by the end of the challenge, but you’ll have a great start AND a plan to keep going!
Here’s the rundown on this round of the UFO Challenge:
- Challenge runs Monday, November 8 – Friday, November 12
- Includes 22 page PDF workbook that you can view on your device or print out
- Daily conversation prompt inside of our Facebook Group
- Daily Facebook Live each day of the challenge, where we’ll dive deeper into each day’s topic.
And did we mention there are participation prizes??? 🎁
Post your answer to each day’s prompt inside of the Facebook Group and receive a ticket towards the prize drawing that will be held at the end of the challenge. You will have until midnight Pacific time on the Sunday after the challenge (November 14) to add your response to each day’s prompt, so you won’t need to stress out if you get busy during the week.
Who should join the challenge?
- Quilters who have at least one UFO
- Quilters who have more than one UFO
- Quilters who want to finish up some UFOs so they can make room for NEW quilting projects
- Quilters who feel overwhelmed by their UFOs
- Quilters who feel guilty about the number of UFOs they have, and the time and money they’ve already invested into these projects
- Quilters who love to hang and and engage with other quilters!
Can’t wait to see you inside of the challenge! Have questions about the challenge? Send me an email directly at laura@prairiesewnstudios.com, and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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