Written by Laura Chaney, Daughter
One of the best things about this age of the internet is our ability to meet and connect with people from all around the world. As quilters and crafters were no longer restricted to our the people in our local guild or crafting group, or limited to getting idea just from print magazines. We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, blogs and more all bursting with ideas and inspiration.
I love scrolling through social media (generally Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook) and checking out quilty and crafty posts. And let’s be honest, a lot of cat videos too.
This week we’re going to have a DOUBLE link-up opportunity. In the Linky section, go ahead and link to a crafting, quilting or sewing post that you’d like to share. Then in the comments for this post, feel free to list where we can find you online or what your usernames are on social media sites where you’re sharing your awesome creative happenings!
Here are five places you can connect with Prairie Sewn Studios online.
And now on to the link-up!
Link up Rules:
1. This will be a space for people to list a link to any kind of crafty, sewing or quilting blog post.
2. I ask that each person who posts a link comments on the posts of at least THREE other people.
3. More if you want to, but at least three.
This won’t take more than a few minutes out of your day, but it will add so much value to the online crafting community. Not sure what to say? We have a helper-cat to give you some ideas!
Shelley @ The Carpenters Daughter who Quilts
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/shell_folkerts/
Twitter #daughterwhosew
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tthecarpentersdaughterwhoquilts