This week Prairie Sewn Studios brings you a WIP that is soooo ridiculously close to being done. Mom made this super cute Rocky and Bullwinkle for Dad as a Christmas present back in 2011. Although it was off the air by the time my brother and I grew up, we still grew up watching VHS tapes (we’re old enough for VHS at least!) of the entire series. I also remember having the following Rocky and Bullwinkle (and friends) items in the house (and I’m sure I’m forgetting some):
- A six-foot tall wooden Bullwinkle cut out for the yard
- A wooden Bullwinkle moose head, which was hung over the mantel for many years
- A giant coloring book
- A collection of those plastic bendy figurines, including Rocky, Bullwinkle and Dudley Do-right
- Coffee mugs
- Fractured Fairy Tales-The Book
- Dad has a set of embroidered Bullwinkle handkerchiefs
- Clothing including: boxers, shirts, socks and more embroidered shirts
- Lunch boxes
Clearly we (ahem, DAD) are are Rocky and Bullwinkle family, so when Mom found this fabric it was perfect for him. All it needs to be finished is the hanging sleeve on the back!!
What projects have you been working on lately?
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